Zinc Deficiency In Siberian Husky
Zinc deficiency is very serious and it is very hard to get rid of once your husky has it. Zinc is the second most commonly used mineral in your dog’s body. If it’s not present in adequate amounts, it can lead to a wide range of issues, and it can eventually result in death. Zinc deficiency seems to be more prevalent in Huskies and Malamutes; they seem to require a higher-than-average amount of zinc (compared to other breeds). Diets that don't have an adequate amount of meat, or diets that have heavily processed meat, can lead to zinc deficiency. Additionally, diets that are high in corn, wheat, and/or soy (which is typical of many processed dog foods) can lead to malabsorption by making zinc unavailable to the body. So diet is very important.
Zinc helps strengthen a dog’s immune system. It’s vital for cell replication, healing of wounds and maintenance of healthy hair, skin, and toenails. And it maintains a normal sex drive.
What I Give My Dog's
I try everything I can to make sure my huskies never have any problems. I have never once had an issue. I give my Siberian Husky NuVet Plus, Nutrazinc, Salmon oil, Missing Link and once in a great while sardines. Along with also feeding my dogs Victor Hi-Pro Plus dog food since it contains more zinc and has more meat and Purina Pro Plan Salmon and Rice since it contains salmon which can also help with skin abnormalities developed due to zinc deficiency.
The reason I give my dogs NuVet Plus is that it helps boost/builds the dog's immune system promotes healthy skin and improves digestion.
Nutrazinc is extremely important for the proper function of a dog's immune system. It should be used as a treatment for almost any kind of skin disease. It's used to help speed up post-surgery hair growth. It is also a dietary supplement to prevent zinc deficiency
More info on NuVet Puls and Nutrazinc is on my Nutrition page
What people recommend for Zinc:
NutriVed Zinpro
Dog food containing Salmon
Raw Meat
Fish Oil
Sardines BPA Free
Below is more information on Zinc Deficiency
For information on Zinc Deficiency. I recommend that you download this PDF file.
It is called: Zinc Deficiency in Sled Dogs
By Margit Maxwell
Talks about:
1. Zinc Deficiency: the hidden cause of sickness
2. Correcting Zinc Deficiency
3. Zinc Deficiency And Seizures